Sunday, November 4, 2012

5 Characteristics of a Good Credit Card Agent

How to know about the characteristics of a good credit card agency ? the following 5 Characteristics of a Good Credit Card Agent :

Do you have the experience of having a glut of credit card agents constantly hounding you day-in, day-out? Good credit card agents do not try to hard sell you anything. They are supposed to act as the middle persons between you and the bank. In other words, they are an extension of the services and customer care of the bank or card company itself. You can tell if your credit card agent is good if he or she exhibits the following characteristics.
1. An In-depth Knowledge of the Card Company

Your credit card agent should know the ins and outs of the company he or she is representing. If your agent has an intimate knowledge of the company, he or she will know the range of credit products available and which one will best fit your need. Agents who are only looking for a quick commission won't help you much when you have inquiries about their cards.

2. Honesty

There are some agents who will lie and fib just to get you to sign on the dotted line. Thus, after talking with your agent, investigate the veracity of his or her claims. You can do this by calling the customer service of the card company or bank that the agent is representing. If you found the your agent is exaggerating, drop communications with him or her immediately. A good agent will support his or her claims with statistical evidences.

3. Experience

Established credit card agents usually have had extensive experience in dealing with their clients and are in a better position to help you out. They will place your interest before theirs and will not recommend any products until they have a firm grasp of your need and financial situation. New agents may be over-zealous in serving you but as long as they are sensitive to your needs, you should not dismiss them.

4. Pros and Cons Analysis

Good agents will tell you like it is. They will explain and analyze the pros and cons of the products to you without diminishing your enthusiasm for their card. These people will give you more information so that you can make informed decisions. These are the agents that will have many loyal customers.

5. No hard selling

Good agents do not hound you all day long. Any agents who do this are most likely concern about his or her self-interest and commission only. They are unlikely able to do a proper recommendation that fit your need and financial situation. If you are really interested in their company cards, you may want to ask the card company to send you another agent. Good agent will be willing to spend some times with you to understand your need and make sure you will receive the right products that will benefit you.

Remember that as a customer, you have the right to select the type of products that best serve your need. When dealing with any credit card agent, do not give in to any hard sell or be enticed by all the high value perks that you do not need. As long as you feel uncomfortable with your agent, simply stand up, thank him or her politely and walk away.

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